The past year of 2022 was not a picnic. After being given a well-needed break from the Covid restrictions, the Russian invasion of Ukraine left most of us shocked, furious, frightened and scared. Scared about the lives of our friends in Ukraine, scared about our own future and the world we live in. Throughout the year our team found ways to cope by supporting our communities in Ukraine, and by continuing the work we do in general – getting people together across different geographies, sectors and disciplines. The past year was transformational in many ways – we meet the new 2023 ready to continue this process of changing, becoming, and being in the world that is in so much need of human connection, collaboration, and playfulness.
We also meet this year with the new name of zusa. It stands for the power and joy that being together can bring. At zusa, we continue to practice and promote the art of collaboration, as we did in our previous programmes of Tandem, Actors of Urban Change, Civil Society Exchange, CE+ and many more that you may know so well. We meet 2023 fully engaged in the ongoing adventures of Tandem Regions, VAHA, and All-Around Culture. Moreover, we look forward to offering opportunities for Ukrainian artists in our new residency programmes with AiR zusa, continuing our work in the MENA region, and staying in touch with our alumni.
Our zusa team sends greetings and best wishes to our wide and beautiful communities out there. We are happy to be part of many different networks and curious to see them growing. We invite you to keep connected through our online channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), and to join our activities and programmes, so that we can shape our experiences together.