we are zusa’s team. Our varied perspectives on work, the world, and human experiences, support zusa’s collaborative way of being and creating.
Programme & communications officer AiR zusaconstantin@zusaculture.org
Project officer VAHA aslan@zusaculture.org
Management team kryzanauskaite@zusaculture.org
Finance and admin & Management teammoll-cheng@zusaculture.org
Project manager AiR zusa / CEO zielinska@zusaculture.org
Junior pawject managerhello@zusaculture.org
Project coordinatorCulture helpsmartynenko@zusaculture.org
Chief Enabling Officerherke@zusaculture.org
Project manager VAHAoezadar@zusaculture.org
Finance and admin managerAll-Around Cultureerturk@zusaculture.org
Programme advisor VAHA / CEOoezhan@zusaculture.org
this is our Management team. Five team members bring their various expertise in finance, PR, programme development, fundraising, strategy and what not into one circle. This is the true art of collaboration!
For general inquiries please contact us at hello@zusaculture.org.